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Our Story
Women with Spines was given a grant from
Vibrant Stillwater to make
the hunt for Stilly Bigfoot
a dream come true.
No, we did not bribe the committee. To help in their decision making, we only sent chocolates, and books, and mildly threatening letters. It was nothing really.
Let’s hope this goes in the
“good decision-making” column.
We honestly aren’t sure yet.
Women with Spines include:
Leslie Baldwin, Cristen Brickman, Kathy Campbell, Rachael Condley, Julie Lambert, Ashley Shreck, Becky Taylor, Kristine Waits, Cristi Wuller, Sarah Young
This would not be possible without some generous, local artists!!
Beau Henneha, James Causley and Mike Staubus
did a lot of heavy lifting to bring our wacky idea to life.
Be warned, these bigfoot only come for a season.
Hunt quickly because as spring turns to summer she will be gone
until next year…probably.
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